Our no hassle returns policy is valid for 30 days from receipt of an item, the full details of which are covered in our Terms and Conditions.
If you wish to return products to us, you should notify us via the email below, stating the reason for returning items. We will then advise you of the return address and procedure.
You can return an item for exchange, refund or for a store credit. All we ask is that the item is in its original unworn and unwashed state with any tags still attached. Trying on an item does not affect the item (so long as you do not stain the item with makeup or deodorant). Unfortunately, we do not accept returns for facemasks, but your statutory rights are not affected.
Once you have filed for your return and included details on what type of return it is, you will receive an email with the details in regards to returning the item. In some cases you may not need to return the item at all.